Him coming home and shouting " Hiya " as he came in - I can hear his voice so clearly.
The feel of his hairy legs - he wanted me to appreciate how unfair it was when he was cycling against youngsters who didn't have his hairiness !
Him looking after me when I had a bad attack of gall stone pain, holding me while I was sick and making me a cup of tea.
The phone call every night to Charlotte - how I miss hearing his cheeful " Hiya Charlotte" and the laughter they shared.
The times when he didn't want to talk and the times when that was all he wanted to do.
The trouble he had getting his hair to behave.
The way he enjoyed scaring me when he was driving - he was actually a good driver but loved to make me hang on to the seat, especially doing handbrake turns on the icy supermarket car-park.
His beautiful long dark eyelashes. Even as a baby people would always mention them and he kept them all his life.
That he was scared of our very old cat, Amber. When she got her claws stuck in the throws he would call for me to rescue her in case he got bitten. On the other hand he was very good at dealing with the mice or birds the cats brought in.